. . . This is the question that Delaunay were posed in P4C yesterday. During the lesson, they were tasked with testing each other’s capacity for listening and responding, and there were smiles all around. This half term, we will continue to use our lessons to share thoughts, practise expressing ourselves clearly and discussing ideas.
The children started off by thinking about what collaboration is, then followed this by wondering how to apply it to having a successful discussion.
Haydn: You can work with your partner when you are collaborating.
Kadeejah: It can make things better.
Hawa: I work together with my class.
Uzair: More than one person can collaborate playing football in a team.
Having understood that sharing, working together and building on ideas is very important, they sat back-to-back to put it into practice:

Next lesson, we will introduce our stimulus then share thoughts and questions to eventually create a philosophical question to discuss further.