This term in Year One, our theme is the local history of our community. As the autumn air settled in, Goldsworthy and Kapoor class embarked on an exciting field trip to Chrisp Street Market. This vibrant marketplace, nestled in the heart of Poplar, East London, is a treasure trove of sights, sounds, and flavours waiting to be explored. Let us take you through our field trip below!
First, we walked to Chrisp Street Market making sure to stay safe by holding our partner’s hand.

Next, we visited the local charity shop and Greggs. We spotted the flag of the UK, which we have been learning about in Geography.

Then, we went to visit the post office nearby. Lots of us had been here with our adults when they went to send off/return their parcels.

After that, we made our way through the busy market stalls to purchase some fruits and vegetables of our choice. They had so much variety it was difficult for us to choose but in the end this is what we chose:

Finally, we ventured back to school in time for lunch. On the way back, we saw a map of Chrisp Street Market and talked about all the places we visited. We enjoyed our fruits at school by chopping them up and some of tried fruits that we had never had before!

We hope you enjoyed our blog, stay tuned for more!
☆ Goldsworthy and Kapoor ☆