by Rayan and Maryam I
We enjoyed our first week after the Easter holiday, and it was good to come back to school. The name of our topic for this half term is Mountains and Volcanoes of the World, and everybody in the class were excited to find out. Our new story in English is about a snow leopard who protects a valley.
In computing we were learning how to use different software. We used a software called Canva to design and make a birthday card. In PE we created our own warm-ups that included a bit of running, and it was kind of funny that we all needed to take a big breath every 10 seconds to rest. We will use our PE lessons to become healthier.
We used our imaginations in our first English lesson to make up oral stories that we had to tell to ourselves, then our partner, then the whole class. There was an app called Flip that we used to record our stories and listen to other people’s as well. Geography taught us that the layer of the Earth that we live on is split into plates like a jigsaw. These move and help to create mountains, and we all came up with brilliant questions to share what else we would like to find out about this topic.