This half term, we are reading Cloud Tea Monkeys. This book is about a girl named Tashi who lives in a village below the tea plantations where her mother earns a living. In our first lesson, we got to taste different types of tea. We discussed the appearance, aroma, flavour and our opinion of each tea. We learnt where tea comes from and looked at different tea plantations around the world.
Ariana is enjoying reading Hike by Pete Oswald.

Yesterday, we celebrated Eid Al Fitr. Eid is a celebration that marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan and people celebrate the end of their fasting by sharing food, exchanging gifts and spending time with friends and family. We learnt about why people celebrate Eid, played games, shared snacks with our partner and opened our gifts.

Our new topic this half term is Mountains and Volcanoes of the World. We will be learning about these magnificent formations as we explore where they are and how they were formed.

This knowledge organiser is a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that students need to know, so we are sending it home to give you the opportunity to enjoy discussing your child’s topic with them. Please help them to learn the facts and to explore the information throughout this half term.

Thanks for reading our blog.