For my activity (Miss Bogue) we made fruit volcanoes! It was so popular we used up all our fruit! After this, our next activity was to make paper craft! Lots of us made tall towers.
Today we had a great day with STEAM DAY. Here are some of our pupil’s reflections on the day:

I had great fun! It was so cool to see the lemons and oranges erupt!
My favourite activity was the movie trailers in Mr Daley’s class! I was able to watch the trailer for Puss and Boots. I had never seen it before!

Today at STEAM DAY, we made a fruit volcano out of oranges and baking powder. First we put powder on the orange. Then we chose our food colouring and put it on top of the powder. Then we used a knife to mix it and get all the juices out. It was very fun!
I also liked the Maths games. I played the code breaking game and broke the code.

STEAM day was amazing because today I made playdough by first getting flour and adding water. I added water to make it very slippery. Then I kept mixing and mixing until it was the perfect texture. Today was the most exciting day ever!

In my opinion, I think STEAM day is the best day of the year. You get to explore lots of science things such as making electricity, making play dough and all sorts of other things! For me, my favourite thing to do was making play dough.

On STEAM day I made a movie with Lucy, Aliyah K and Aliyah Ali. It was about 3 princesses and an evil king. We had a key and the King wanted the magical key. The key could bring harm to the world if it went into the wrong hands. He stole it but we got it back! Mr Daley got involved in our movie too which was fun!