Today, Hokusai had an amazing, fun-filled morning because it was…. SPORTS DAY!
Since Monday, the classroom has been buzzing with eager anticipation for the upcoming event. They have been practising the skills they would need during every P.E lesson, thinking about how to throw objects the furthest, run the fastest and work together as a team. Hokusai were resilient and improved, little by little, with each lesson. Some even practiced during playtimes and at home! Finally, it was Thursday 18th July, and after getting into their groups, they were ready to set off to Bartlett Park.

The walk to the park was pleasant: the weather was still cool enough and the journey was the perfect distance. When we arrived, we sat in our group colours and listened to the instructions. We started with the sack race! It was tricky jumping whilst having cloth around the bottom of your legs, but it was a lot of fun.
Next was… Relay!
The long jump required good timing and lots of winding up to power up. Safi was flying through the air!

Our favourite event was next: javelin. We have been practising our throwing skills a lot over the last couple of weeks, and it definitely paid off!

The egg and spoon race needed us to take our time and move slowly and carefully. It’s just as they say, slow and steady wins the race!

Finally, we had the main event. The obstacle race tested Hokusai’s endurance and listening skills. We jumped, wobbled, hula-hooped and ran. It was an exciting event!

With that, Hokusai was done. Everyone looked proud of themselves, but also very tired. The teacher and parent races closed off Sports Day, and everyone in Hokusai cheered for the competitors.

We retuned to Lansbury Lawrence, drank lots of water to rehydrate and had a healthy orange slice to celebrate a job well done!