As the last few days of 2023 pass by, the curtain falls on an enriching term of academic exploration in Year 6. Each subject has been a chapter in our seasonal journey, marked by growth, discovery, and the collective pursuit of knowledge. Join us in this reflective stroll through the corridors of learning, as we unwrap the highlights and milestones from each subject, celebrating the unique tapestry of insights, challenges, and triumphs woven into the fabric of our Autumn Term in Peggy Angus class. Happy Holidays from Peggy Angus

In English, we have been reading a story called Aladdin and The Magical Lamp by Philip Pullman. We studied the story by annotating and making an emotion graph. After, we made our own story of Aladdin, just with different characters and different objects. ~ Tasnim A
In English we read the book called Aladdin. We made our own adventure stories as our best copy. We also looked at different poems and had to write our own poem. ~ Madihah
In English we read Aladdin by Philip Pullman. First we read and understood the text. Then we annotated and story mapped it. After that we learnt new writing techniques. Next we planned our independent write based on the story. Once that was finished, we wrote our independent write. Finally, we planned and wrote a letter to the owner of the lamp giving them 1st person guidance. I liked the lesson where we got to plan our letters. ~ Rida
In English, we were looking at the book Aladdin by Philip Pullman. We studied the text and made our own story as a class. After we had done that, we had made our own independent story. But for the last few days we have been looking at some poems and had made our own one about things people misunderstand about us. ~ Jamila
In English, we have learnt about Aladdin and the enchanted lamp and made our own story based on his point of view. This term, I liked English more because it was so exciting and when I first heard the story and watched the movie of it and when I watched the movie it felt very tense so I liked it a lot. ~ Tasnim R
In English, we have been learning about Aladdin by Philip Pullman. We made our own story of Aladdin and the magical lamp too. We also have been learning about Poetry and also making our own one. We made a sentence that people misunderstand about me then we turned it into a poem. ~ Maryan

In Maths, our units were Fractions and Units of Measurements. When our unit was Fractions, we learnt how to add fractions, subtract fractions, multiply fractions, divide fractions, simplify fractions and convert fractions. ~ Tasnim A
In Maths we have learnt about fractions and measurements such as kilograms milligram, millimetres, centimetres, grams, tonnes, pints, pounds and other measurements. ~ Tasnim R
In Maths we learnt about Fractions and how to Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide Fractions. We also learnt how to Simplify Fractions. We learnt about Measuring Units like Mass, Capacity, Volume and Length. ~ Yusuf
This term in math we have been learning about fractions. First we started simplifying fractions for example 2/8=¼. Then we started converting improper fractions into whole numbers like 17/16 into 1 1/16. ~ Ayaan
In our other math lesson, we were learning about metric measures and imperial measurements. In our recent lessons, we have been learning about percentages. My favourite lesson in math was the metric measures. ~ Tangila

In History we learnt about the Ancient Islamic Civilization. We learnt about their Achievements like for Al Khwarizmi, He was a genius when it came to Maths. We learnt about some more people like Fatima Al Fihri, Rufaida Al Aslamia and Ibn Battuta. We learnt about what Baghdad was like in 900 AD, also we learnt what happened at the end of Baghdad. ~ Yusuf
In our history lessons we have been looking at Baghdad and what made it so special and what the geographical features of the city are. We’ve been examining the results and reasons of the establishment of the House Of Wisdom and learnt about the scientific, medical and mathematical achievements of the Islamic golden age . ~ Tangila
In history we have been learning about the Ancient Islamic civilisation, we have been looking at important people in Baghdad. Here’s a few people: Al- Khwarizmi, Ibn Battuta, Fatima Al-Fihr and Rufaida Al-Aslamiyah. ~ Afsana
In history, we learnt about the Ancient Islamic Civilisation. Our big question was, ‘How important was Early Islamic Civilisation in the history of knowledge?’ As we do double page spread every term, we, instead of doing that, we made a website answering the question. After I published it, I had to send a link to Miss Ahmed ( my teacher). (You’ll find more information in computing). ~ Sawda

In Geography I learnt to find countries and put them in the correct place in the map by using an atlas. It really helped me to find countries easily. ~ Tasnim R
In Geography we learned about the River Tigris and Baghdad’s structure, we compared Baghdad with the Vikings which had wooden houses instead of Baghdad’s marble houses. They had roofs made out of Hay, they also had Longboats, Farms, etc. ~ Yusuf

In our French lessons, we have been looking at the subjects in French, how to say it and how to write it. we’ve also looked at how to say the subjects in sentences. In our other lessons we have looked at how to tell the time in French, how to say the question and how to answer it. ~ Tangila
In Science we have been learning about shadows and been looking at how the eye sees stuff; the eye sees things the wrong way up. ~ Louie
In science, we were learning about light and shadows. I learnt that when an opaque object or thing is standing in front of light, a shadow forms from where the light is blocked. The reason for this is because the opaque object is standing in the light, so one part should be blocked and then it forms a shadow. Also, we learnt about how we see and how light travels. Light travels in a straight line, and when light is shining off an object, it bounces off and into our eyes. Whenever we are in a dark room, our pupil grows bigger because it needs more light. You can test this to see at home. Whenever we are in a room full of light, our pupil gets smaller because it needs less light. The more light, the smaller the pupil. ~ Sawda
In Science we have learnt about light. We have done experiments to see if light can travel through in a straight line. We discovered that light does travel in a straight line. ~ Tasnim R
In PE on Friday, we learnt how to use a football correctly and how to dribble with the football. We also played mini matches. On Wednesdays we have gymnastics and do little actions to create a sequence with our partners. ~ Ansaarah
This term, in PE we have football and gymnastics. We have been doing passing and shooting and playing matches. In gymnastics we were doing mirroring actions and canon actions. Mirroring means you are in sync with another person. ~ Ayaan
In PE, we had two lessons every week. On Wednesdays, we had gymnastics. But on Fridays, we had football. In gymnastics, we partnered up with someone, and we mirrored each other’s movements. We also did movements in sync. In football, we were doing mini games and we also partnered up with someone to practise our skills on tackling and defending. ~ Sawda
In music we learnt how to make shadow performances where we went behind a screen and made movements to tell a story using our shadows. I really enjoyed the lesson where we got to perform it to our classmates. We also made a chant for more breaktime as a class and in my group we made one for more equipment. I really enjoyed the chant lesson. As I am an awards student I get extra lessons for my clarinet, I am preparing for my clarinet grade one exam, which is like a test on how good you are at playing your instrument. Hopefully , I will be ready to take it by the beginning of next year. I also go to ensemble club where we have been practising a song to play in assembly. ~ Rida
For art we have been looking at patterns. Zarah Hussain was the person we have been looking at and her art. Zarah was inspired by math and Islamic art, so she used mathematical patterns in her art .Since we were inspired by her we’ve tried to make art with patterns and we also used a compass which helped us to draw circles in different sizes. My favourite lesson in art was when we used a compass because it was fun using it and some of us struggled a bit but we were able to use it. ~ Tangila
In art we have been sketching/drawing geometric patterns. This was easy as we had a reference in front of us. We practised and got better. These patterns give a meaning as in peace or many other things. ~ Fatima

In computing, we have been making websites to answer the big question ‘How important was the Early Islamic Civilisation On the history of knowledge’. We looked at what makes a good website and the features it has. ~ Tangila
In Computing we were making our own websites on our topic this term: Ancient Islamic Civilization. We learnt about Copyright during that lesson, when you have to pay, get permission from the owner of the image or give credit to them or else you can’t use the Image, so we used copyright free images. ~ Yusuf
Below are the QR codes to our websites. Scan to view them!