This half term, our topic is Ancient Civilisations. We will be learning about the development and successes
of The Ancient Sumer, The Ancient Egyptians, The Shang Dynasty and The Indus Valley as we consider the similarities that these impressive societies shared.

This knowledge organiser is a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that students need to know. Knowledge organisers have been sent home to give you the opportunity to enjoy discussing your child’s topic with them. Please help your child to learn the facts and to explore the information throughout this half
In English, we are reading the The Iron Man. We looked at one image from the book and made predictions. Here are a few predictions. Then, we had lots of fun practising reading and performing a piece of text and considered different voices, volumes, adding actions and sound effects alongside our fluency phrasing in our fluency focused reading session.

Today, we visited the British Museum and explored the different artefacts from each of the civilisations we are learning about this half term. Studying the endless artefacts helped us think about the reasons why the four civilisations we are currently studying were so successful and stood out from other civilisations.
Thanks for tuning in. Till next time, Hepworth class 🙂