Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated Eid with us yesterday at the picnic. It was a lovely afternoon, with families sharing food and enjoying each other’s company in brilliant sunshine. We hope you enjoyed it as much as us, and Eid Mubarak!

Learning about the heart in year 6
Our next piece of writing in year 6 is an explanation text on how the human heart functions.
As part of the planning, we observed a heart dissection, looking at the details of the heart, how it works and what can go wrong. Pupils were able to see in details the different parts of the heart, including the blood vessels, and how they moved blood around the body. Some were even brave enough to touch the different sections!
We’re going on a Sound Hunt!
Riley class had a fun lesson exploring the school grounds learning about their new Science topic on Sounds. They walked around different areas of the school listening to sounds, thinking about where they came from and how they were made. At first, the children thought that sound came from objects or living things. However, through their sound walk, they soon realised that there had to be some sort of movement or vibration to the object in order to produce the sound. The children came up with interesting questions that they wanted to explore further such as how our own voices work to produce sound so we will be following up on this enquiry as part of our Science learning.

Well done to our Learners of the Week!
Parent Information
Parents/carers coffee morning
Held every wednesday in Blossom Classroom
Free refreshments
All welcome
Can we please ask that if your child is off school for any reason, you must telephone the school before 9am, on 0207 987 4589
Monday 10th June
Year 6 school journey
Monday 10th June
Lichtenstein Class school journey
Wednesday 12th June
Year 3 to British Museum
Wednesday 19th June
Year 5 to Science Museum
Thursday 27th June
Summer Fair and BBQ
Friday 28th June
Year 1 to Chalkwell Beach