Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back! We hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer. It has been a great first week, with children settling in nicely to their new classes and classrooms. Everybody looks very smart in their uniforms, and happy and focussed on learning – take a look at the photos below. Our whole school is learning about ‘community’ this half term, to celebrate what a wonderful community we have here in Poplar. If you would like to come in to share a community story or a memory, please do speak to your child’s teacher. We also have lots of exciting trips planned across the year, and we welcome parents to come along and support.

Monday 9th September
Year 6 to Houses of Parliament
Thursday 12th September
Hepworth Class to Canary Wharf
Monday 16th September
Year 5 to Southbank Centre
Wednesday 18th September
Year 4 to Tower of London
Thursday 19th September
Hokusai Class to Canary Wharf
Tuesday 24th September
ESOL taster session, 1.30-3pm
Monday 30th September
Delaunay Class to Poplar Fire Station
Monday 7th October
Tagore Class to Poplar Fire Station
Friday 18th October
last day of half term