Dear Parents and Carers
Across the school, children are busy practising and preparing for their Christmas performances. Please look at the key dates below, to see when your child is performing their show to parents and carers. To help get you in the festive mood, after school today is the Chrispmas Winter Wonderland event in Chrisp Street market. Please do go along and support our school choir who are performing on stage there.
Bluebell Self-Portraits
This week in Bluebell Class we have been making self-portraits. We looked in the mirror and talked about the shape and colour of our faces. We noticed that we are all different. We carefully mixed the colours and tried to create the same colour as our own skin. We also discussed the colour and length of our hair and added hair onto our portrait. We talked about our other facial features such as our eyes, lips, and nose. We are going to add these onto our portraits when they are dry.

Year 3 visit the Stone Age
Hepworth and Hokusai Classes have had lots of fun learning about Stone Age art this half term. We have made handprints, like those found in the Lascaux caves, and have made our paints using natural materials, like people in the palaeolithic times would have done. This week, we experimented with scale; making larger drawings, which we then used to line our own caves. It was lots of fun exploring all of our caves!
Emily Rising at Half Moon Theatre
Peggy Angus Class enjoyed a performance of Emily Rising at nearby Half Moon Theatre. The story followed a young girl who discovers one morning that her feet don’t touch the ground. The drama unfolds as she gradually rises higher and higher. After relationships are broken and healed in her family, she eventually ascends beyond the earth to new adventures. The narrative was told through puppets and the actors were gripping. It was an emotional play and even made some of us cry!

Parent/ Carer Coffee Morning
Come and meet new friends over a cup of tea or coffee every Wednesday morning.
Sessions held in the parent room, by the Early Years entrance.
Please see Maureen for further information.
Online Safety Top Tip:
- Talk early and often
- Be open and direct
- Stay calm
Tuesday 3rd December
Hirst Class visiting East London Mosque
Tuesday 10th December
Yrs4-6 Christmas Show, 2pm
Thursday 12th December
Yrs1-3 Christmas Show, 2pm
Wednesday 18th December
Last day of Autumn term