Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you to everyone who came along to our Summer Fete yesterday afternoon. It was one of our best ever, with lots of fun activities, delicious food, and lovely community atmosphere. A special thank you to Maureen and all of our parent volunteers, and to everyone who donated food or their time to help on the day.

Simba visits Year 6!
Year 6 had a very special visitor this week; Roger Wright, who played Simba in the Disney west end musical of the Lion King. As year 6 are currently rehearsing their own version of the Lion King, this visit was incredibly inspiring for everyone. Roger talked about how he came to star in the musical, and gave lots of top tips for our performance.
Joining the fight for clean air in Tower Hamlets
This year, our school has joined a number of initiatives to encourage children to learn about air quality in London. In year 5, we have had air quality workshops – learning about how pollution moves with the wind and can become trapped, learnt about the cleanest ways to commute to school, had an intensive BikeIt training course, and conducted experiments to measure the air quality at Lansbury Lawrence. We are proud to share with you this video which features children from Kahlo class who voiced their opinions on why clean air in Tower Hamlets is absolutely necessary.
Parent Information
Parents/carers coffee morning
Held every Wednesday in Nursery Parents Room
Free refreshments and all welcome.
A reminer that if your child is off school for any reason, you must telephone the school before 9am, on 0207 987 4589. Thank you.

Thursday 4th July
Riley Class assembly
Thursday 11th July
Hokusai Class to National Portrait Gallery
Thursday 11th July
Year 6 performance
Wednesday 17th July
Year 2 performance
Friday 19th July
End of term – 2pm