Dear Parents and Carers
As the weather gets cooler, please do send your children to school with a warm coat to wear while outside in the playground or on trips. Thank you to everyone who has supported our school trips this half term. Trips are an important part of our curriculum, which we wouldn’t be able to do without the support of parent/ carer volunteers.
Hokusai Class visit Half Moon Theatre
Mysha reports:
I saw an amazing play! The play was called “Rumpelstiltskin”. They used puppets for the characters they also used magnets to keep everything on. Other schools came to see the play. If you don’t know about “Rumpelstiltskin” it’s about a girl who has to turn straw into gold but she doesn’t know how to turn it into gold.

Riley Class exploring Outside
With the world’s rainforests as our theme this half-term and the school’s gardens serving as our own mini forest, we have been exploring our green spaces to help us learn more about geography and science. Students have really been enthused by the learning, and they have used some of the keywords they learned in geography and science for stories they are writing in English.

Year 4’s Rainforest Experience
Year 4 visited the Sky Garden near Canary Wharf which is home to numerous tropical, exotic plants and trees from around the world. We went to help deepen our understanding of rainforests, which is our curriculum theme this term. We are also learning about living things and their habitats for Science, so today’s trip was really useful to see various plants in their habitat. We also saw many plants and trees that were from different habitats such as the golden bamboo trees and the black bamboo trees which usually grow in China and Japan.

Nursery visit the Idea Store
This year in Bluebell class we have been doing some afternoon outreach sessions with parents. We have been focusing on bedtime routines and the importance of reading with your child. This week some of us visited the idea store with our families and staff from the nursery. We talked about the importance of reading every day and discussed some of the reading strategies we use in nursery. Together we practised talking about the pictures with children, predicting what might happen next and acting out parts of the stories. It was great to see families so excited about reading with their children! The children enjoyed looking through different books and choosing some to take home and read.
Parent/ Carer Coffee Morning
Come and meet new friends over a cup of tea or coffee every Wednesday morning.
Sessions held in the parent room, by the Early Years entrance.
Please see Maureen for further information.
Monday 25th November
Delaunay Class visiting Museum of London
Tuesday 3rd December
Hirst Class visiting East London Mosque
Wednesday 18th December
Last day of Autumn term

Make a Balloon Explode
You will need:
Balloons ( made of latex)
Orange peel
1. Blow up your balloon and secure it by creating a knot on the end.
2. Start to peel an orange near the balloon. The juice from the peel must touch the balloon.
3. Predict what will happen to the balloon.
4. See what really happens to the balloon.
5. Try it with different citrus fruits such as a lemon or a lime. Does it still work?
The Science behind it
When the juice from the orange peel touches the balloon, a substance called limonene which is found in the peel reacts to the balloon. It breaks the latex that the balloon is made up of, making it pop.
Questions to ask your children
Why do you think the balloon bursts?
What other fruits can we try?
What other materials instead of a balloon might work?
Watch this video for further instructions:
make a balloon explode
Send photos of your child’s experiment stages, outcomes, drawings or their thoughts to: