Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you to everyone who sent an image of you and your child enjoying the Family Science experiment at home together last week. We have a new experiemnt this week, and this one does not require many materials – only oranges and water! Please see the end of the newsletter for instructions, and send to
Name one of our chickens competition
We are running a competition to name our chickens as we’ve welcomed a new, beautiful, white chicken to the school. Unfortunately, the other chickens aren’t being very kind to our newest guest so we’re hoping that by giving them new names we’ll make her feel more welcome!
The competition is an art and picture competition. Choose one chicken and make a picture of it in any way you wish – paints, collage, pencil – all entries are welcome. Then write the name you’d choose for that chicken on the picture. There’s a box outside of Mr O’Regan’s office to put your entry in. All entries need to be in by the 3rd of October.
Good luck and we’ll find out the new names in assembly on the 4th October!

A New Beginning!
Welcome to all new families and welcome back to all returning ones! The children in Bluebell Class have been very busy getting stuck into all sorts of fun activities as they settle into the new school year. Take a look…

Year 4 visits the Tower of London
As part of our learning theme on Community and also our English unit studying Shakespeare’s Richard III, year 4 went to the Tower of London. This trip was special because it put into context the deep history that year 4 are learning about Richard’s greed to take the throne and imprison (and kill) his own nephews just because they were in line to become kings! Both classes got to experience the actual tower known as the ‘bloody tower’ where the princes were held prisoners. The classes also got to see the Tower of London which is a crucial part of Tower Hamlets and we are very lucky to have such a world-famous landmark on our doorstep! Have a look at some of the pictures from today.
Whitechapel Art Gallery Community Project
As part of our community learning this half term, we are taking part in a new collaboration with the Whitechapel Gallery. Parents and children are working together with a ceramic artist, Francesca Anfossi, to explore creativity and clay. Yesterday, we had a brilliant trip to Francesca’s studio in Camden, Rochester Square. The project will continue over the next few weeks and include working with St Pauls Way secondary school and parents from Smithy Street and Redlands primary schools too.

Kodu Recipe
We have a brilliant Edible Playground at Lansbury Lawrence which all of our children help to look after with Joe, our school gardener. We grow lots of fruit and vegetables which we eat in school and share with our community. At the moment we have lots of Kodu leaves, and one mum kindly shared this recipe that she used. Finely chop the leaves and fry slowly in oil with mushroom, garlic and spices until the leaves are soft. Joe and Mrs Sellens even got to taste the finished dish, and it was delicious – well worth making at home. If you would like some Kodu leaves, please see Joe after school on Tuesday and Friday next week.
Celebrating achievement in writing
In this weeks Achievement Assembly children in Years 5 and 6 showcased their writing to the rest of the school. Two children from each year group presented their writing underneath a visualiser so the whole school could join in with the celebration of their success. Each child read their work out loud and spoke confidently and clearly. Well done Amelia, Muminur and Mohammed!

Tuesday 24th September
Reception and KS1 Parent Maths session, 9am front reception area
Tuesday 24th September
ESOL taster session, 1.30-3pm
Monday 30th September
Delaunay Class to Poplar Fire Station
Tuesday 1st October
KS2 Parent Maths session, 9am front reception area
Thursday 3rd October
International Day
Monday 7th October
Tagore Class to Poplar Fire Station
Friday 18th October
last day of half term

Can you make an orange sink?
You will need:
- An orange/tangerine
- A large container
- Water
- Your brain
- Fill a large container with water (but not too full).
- Place your orange into the
- What do you notice?
- Can you make the orange sink?
- What would happen if you removed the skin?
- Do you think it will float or sink?
- Why do you think this happens?
- Draw a picture or a diagram to show what you think is
- Place the lemon and lime in the large container
- What do you notice?
- How can this be?
- Can you make them both float/both sink?
Watch the video. It explains the reason why the unpeeled orange floats and the peeled orange sinks! It’s all about the tiny holes on the peel!
Web links:
Take some photos of your child enjoying this family science activity. Send a few, with your child’s ideas and comments to