Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back after the half term break. We’ve had some lovely weather this week, and our spring flowers are beginning to bloom around the school site. We are proud of our school grounds and are currently working on improving our outside provision for our Reception and Year 1 children. Our year 5 children have also been investigating moss and how it can help tackle air pollution in our area – more info on that is below.
Next Thursday is World Book Day, and children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character. The costume doesn’t need to be bought, in fact home-made costumes are usually better! There are lots of ideas on the World Book Day website;
Year 5 Air Quality Project
Year 5 have been working with Hester from R-Urban Poplar on an exciting air quality project. They have been learning lots of interesting facts about our local area and how the wind affects how polluted a particular spot is. They have also been learning about moss, and how this plant can help with air pollution.
Did you know that moss in this country is often considered a weed? However, in Japan moss is very respected and bought as decorative plants. Moss is very clever as it has the ability to filter out and absorb air pollutants such as particulates and nitrogen dioxide, which makes them ideal air purifiers.
Year 5 looked at the artist, Malevich, who makes work using geometric shapes. They then designed their own Malevich inspired designs. Using a mixture of moss and live yoghurt, they painted through stencils on to the walls around school to encourage moss to grow. When it does grow, we need to look after it, as it will help make the air we breathe cleaner.

Meditating at the Buddhist Centre
At the end of last half term, both Year 5 classes had a visit to the London Buddhist Centre in Bethnal Green.
We listened to the story of the Buddha and the history of the Buddhist Centre. Our Buddhist tour guide explained how two men had set up the centre at the end of World War 2 while travelling in India.
Then, we got to visit the shrine room where a large Buddha statue could be seen.
After a while, we got to practise some meditation. First, we stretched our bodies; then we practised some deep breathing – taking notice of our breath and listening to the sound of the gong as it rang in the still room.
Well done to our
Learners of the Week!

School Gate closes at 9am
The main school gate opens at 8.45 each day and closes promptly at 9am. Please note that if you arrive after this time, your child will be marked as late.
Friday 8th March
Year 4 to National Maritime Museum
Friday 8th March
Delaunay Class to Tower of London
Thursday 14th March
Hepworth Class assembly
Thursday 21st March
Hokusai Class assembly
Thursday 4th April
Van Gogh Class assembly
8th-22nd April
School Closed for the Easter Holiday