Dear Parents and Carers
It has been another amazing week here at Lansbury Lawrence. To celebrate British Science Week, we had our first STEAM Day on Monday. The whole school was off-timetable for the day, and engaged in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths learning. It was wonderful to see parents coming in to support the day, and to see our older and younger children exploring and learning together. The rocket launch at the end of the day was a fantastic finale, and just in case you were wondering where the rocket went…. congratulations to Anton and his family, who found it had landed safely near the shops in Chrisp Street market!

Iron Man Rap
Hepworth Class Assembly
Hepworth Class performed a wonderful class assembly this week. It included this fantastic song, that they wrote themselves, based on the Iron Man story. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came in to watch and support your children’s hard work.
Explorer Day
Riley and Van Gogh class went on an exciting trip to the National Maritime Museum this week. They learnt about explorers; their voyages and expeditions. They had a busy day visiting the Polar Gallery, Seafarers Gallery, had a workshop all about explorers and how they used to navigate and they even got to play an interactive explorer’s game where they had to travel to different continents to collect artefacts. The experience was multisensory and informative. Ask your child to tell you more about what they did and learnt on their trip!

Curiosity Cart
There was an exciting delivery this week. The Lansbury Lawrence Arts Council Curiosity Cart has arrived! It is fantastic, and full of the children’s ideas of periscopes, hidden drawers and sensory exploration. The Cart will include materials for creative play and will be used across the school. It is wonderful to have a creative resource designed by our children specifically for our children to use and learn through. The Cart lives in the front reception area if you would like to have a look at it. Well done to the Arts Council for working together to create something so special.
Well done to our Learners of the Week!

Monday 18th March
Hirst Class to Rich Mix
Tuesday 19th March
O’Keeffe Class to Canary Wharf Roof Garden
Wednesday 2oth March
Lichtenstein Class to Nunnery Gallery
Thursday 21st March
Goldsworthy Class to Canary Wharf Roof Garden
Thursday 21st March
Hokusai Class assembly
Thursday 4th April
Van Gogh Class assembly
8th-22nd April
School Closed for the Easter Holiday
School Gate closes at 9am
The main school gate opens at 8.45 each day and closes promptly at 9am. Please note that if you arrive after this time, your child will be marked as late.