Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you to all of the families who came in to our class exhibitions this week. We think it is important to welcome our community in to our learning environment to celebrate learning, and we really appreciate your support. Class exhibitions are held on the last Wednesday of each half term.
Next week is the half term holiday. If you need any ideas for things to do with your children we’ve added some local events at the end of this newsletter.
We look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 25th February.
Slambassadors Best Poem Awards
Well done to Kahlo Class who attended the Poetry Society Slambassdors Final yesterday, and won the best poem award for both the group poem and individual poem. An amazing achievement! You can hear the winning poems here.
I Remember
A Change is Going to Come

ECO Schools Bronze Award
Our new ECO Committee of children from yrs 3-6 are meeting weekly to help make the Lansbury Lawrence environment a nicer place for our whole community. They will be exploring how we can save energy, the biodiversity of the school, and how we can recycle more of our waste. We have been awarded a bronze ECO School Award for getting off to such a good start, and are now aiming to achieve Silver. Joe, our school gardener, is doing a fantastic job supporting our committee and ECO projects across the school.
Chinese New Year Cooking
This week the sunflower children have been very busy. We went to visit our new friends, the chickens, in their coop and then used their lovely eggs to bake some delicious fortune cookies in celebration of Chinese New Year!

This term year 1 have been learning about Carnivals; what a carnival is, where they happen around the world and why carnivals happen. We had our own carnival! We made masks, head pieces and made extra costume pieces using recyclable materials. We paraded through the whole school. We had a fantastic time bringing the carnival spirit into school!
Well done to our Learners of the Week!

Kano Workshop
Year 3 and Year 6 have recently taken part in Kano workshops where they built their own computers. Kano are holding a free workshop at Poplar Union that your child can attend tomorrow, Saturday 16th February. More information on the event is here:
18th-22nd February
School Closed for the Half-term Holiday
Friday 1st March
Tagore Class to Tower of London
Friday 8th March
Year 4 to National Maritime Museum
Friday 8th March
Delaunay Class to Tower of London
Thursday 14th March
Hepworth Class assembly
Thursday 21st March
Hokusai Class assembly
Thursday 28th March
Riley Class assembly
Thursday 4th April
Van Gogh Class assembly
8th-22nd April
School Closed for the Easter Holiday