Dear Parents and Carers
This week has been very quiet at Lansbury Lawrence, as both years 5 & 6 have had residential trips; all of year 6 went to Lambourne End for the week and Lichtenstein Class went to Suffolk. Despite the wet weather all of the children had a fantastic time exploring outside in the countryside and by the sea. School journeys are always a favourite memory of primary school, and lots of brilliant memories have been made this week.
SAVE THE DATE: This year’s Summer Fete is on Thursday 27th June at 2pm in the main playground.

Lights! Camera! Action!
Van Gogh Class were invited to Rich Mix arts venue to celebrate the viewing of a special film project they participated in. The focus was on exploring Tower Hamlets and its rich history. The children decided to make a short documentary on Tower Bridge by using stop motion animation.
The process of creating a stop motion animation consumes a lot of creativity and time, but Van Gogh persevered and produced a wonderful film. The collective effort was very much enjoyed by all the children and many want to continue creating more films in the future! Two of our school Arts Council members went on to stage to recieve a certificate awarded to the whole class.
Goldsworthy Class are using their ears!
We have been learning about the senses in our science lessons. We have learnt that there are 5 different senses; sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing. We went on a listening walk into the Key Stage Two playground, and we listened to everything that we could hear. To make sure that we heard all the sound possible we made our ears even bigger than usual!

Well done to our Learners of the Week!
Parent Information
Parents/carers coffee morning
Held every wednesday in Blossom Classroom
Free refreshments
All welcome
Can we please ask that if your child is off school for any reason, you must telephone the school before 9am, on 0207 987 4589
Wednesday 19th June
Year 5 to Science Museum
Thursday 27th June
Summer Fair and BBQ
Friday 28th June
Year 1 to Chalkwell Beach
Free Maths FunKey Times Tables Cards
All parents have to do is visit the Maths Week London website before midnight on Friday 14th June and find the parent section. FunKey Maths are resource number 12 on that page. If parents follow the link to FM website, and put in the code LONDON, then they get a free pack. Absolutely nothing to pay.

Pop Up Book Hut
The book hut is located in the main playground, next to the community room. Please do take a look in there, to see if there is a book you would like to take home. The books have been donated by the London Childrens Book Project, and there is a selection to choose from; picture books, chapter books and non-fiction. To keep the hut full, please do bring in any old children’s books from home that you do not use anymore.