Dear Parents and Carers
As part of our community curriculum learning across the whole school, today we are launching an exciting home learning project called ‘Family Science’. We will be attaching experiments for you to do at home to this newsletter, with the first one attached today! Mrs Begum launched our Family Science project in assembly today, so the children will be able to tell you how you can make a Lava Lamp together at home. Please send us a photo of your project to,, and we will make a community display within school. We look forward to seeing you enjoying learning at home and having lots of fun!
Hepworth Class exploring the Docklands
Hepworth Class explored the old docks and quays and saw the old cranes and warehouses at West India Quay. We imagined what life would have been like when the area was bustling with dock workers loading and unloading ships from around the world. After that, they visited the more modern buildings, including going inside One Canada Square and got to go right up to the 30th floor! We sat in the boardroom, where most people aren’t usually allowed, to go and looked out over a view of the Thames and the O2.

Year 6 visit the Houses of Parliament
Year 6 visited the Houses of Parliament this week. They explored the houses of Lords and Commons and learnt many facts about how Parliament was made and how it has changed. A debate was done in groups to practise how a sitting of the house of Commons would run. One group debated whether school uniform should be banned. The decision was no! They even met Jim Fitzpatrick the Member of Parliament (MP) of Poplar and Limehouse who answered our questions on what being an MP is like. They were exemplary ambassadors for the school.

Kahlo Class Harvest
Kahlo Class worked with Joe, our school gardener to harvest fruit and vegetables from the Edible Playground this week. They harvested beans, spinach, radishes, courgettes, and even our own grapes!

Welcome to Poppy Class!
Poppy Class are some of our youngest children at Lansbury Lawrence. For all of the wonderful learning that we will need do this coming year, it is very important for us to know our routines, feel settled, and generate a love for school. Look at these happy faces!

Parent Maths Sessions
Would you like to support your child’s maths learning at home? Mr Harrington will be running two drop-in sessions; one for Reception and KS1 parents on Tuesday 24th September and one for KS2 parents on Tuesday 1st October. The Ks1 session will focus on number facts, and the KS2 session will focus on multiplication. For both sessions, please come to the front reception area at 9am.
Be Internet Legends
Please read the Internet Legend pledge coming home with your child today. The pledge should be read together and signed by both child and adult, then returned to school on Monday.

Monday 16th September
Year 5 to Southbank Centre
Wednesday 18th September
Year 4 to Tower of London
Thursday 19th September
Hokusai Class to Canary Wharf
Tuesday 24th September
Reception and KS1 Parent Maths session, 9am front reception area
Tuesday 24th September
ESOL taster session, 1.30-3pm
Monday 30th September
Delaunay Class to Poplar Fire Station
Tuesday 1st October
KS2 Parent Maths session, 9am front reception area
Thursday 3rd October
International Day
Monday 7th October
Tagore Class to Poplar Fire Station
Friday 18th October
last day of half term

Make a Lava Lamp
You will need:
Veg Oil
Food colouring
Clear jars or clear plastic bottles
Antacid tablets ( or any tablet that will fizz in water eg berucca, vitamin C tablets )
1. Fill the bottle most of the way with vegetable oil.
2. Fill the rest of the flask with water.
3. Add a few drops of food colouring; your choice of colour.
4. Break the tablet in half and drop them in the flask one at a time.
5. Watch your lava lamp erupt into activity!
6. To make your lava lamp look super impressive, shine a source of light under it (eg a torch) to see the colours really glow.
The science behind it:
The oil floats on top of the water because it is less dense or lighter than water. The food colouring has the same density as the water so it sinks through the oil and mixes with the water. When you add the tablet, it sinks to the bottom then starts to dissolve. As it dissolves it makes gas, carbon dioxide.
Questions to ask your children:
What is the same and what is different between the oil, water and food colouring?
Why does the oil and water separate?
Why does the tablet fizz when put in water?
What other materials could we put in the lava lamp and why?
Watch these links to see a demonstration:
How to make a Lava Lamp and How to make a Lava Lamp
Send photos of your child’s lava lamp and their thoughts to: