Dear Parents and Carers
There is currently a book amnesty happening at Lansbury Lawrence. Please do have a good look around at home for any school reading books that need to be returned. Lichtenstein Class have been taking the book amnesty very seriously, and spoke about the importance of books in assembly today. If all of our books are returned, then we will have lots more reading material for everyone to enjoy across the whole school. Also, the class that returns the most books will receive a cinema trip as a reward.
The Very Hungry Caterpillars in Poppy Class
This week tiny caterpillars arrived in Poppy Class. We had to be very careful when holding their pot, we used two hands and we were very gentle. At the moment they are very busy eating the food at the bottom of their pot. They are growing very quickly and we can’t wait to see what happens next.

And there are more insects in Daisy Class…
We’ve also been learning the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We went on a mini-beast hunt in our school grounds, thinking about where insects live, what they eat, and what they look like. We are lucky at Lansbury Lawrence to have our own pond, there were lots of insects there!

Year 3 have been making a Splash!
Both Hepworth and Hokusai Class have had intensive swimming lessons at nearby Poplar Baths.
They have plunged into their learning with great enthusiasm and everyone has worked really hard to improve their technique and confidence in the water, from those who already knew how to swim freestyle to those who had never swum before. It’s been fantastic to see how much the children have learned in a short time.
Swimming is an important life skill and a terrific way to keep your body healthy, which is also one of our Year 3 learning themes.

Year 1 at Mudchute Farm
Year 1 visited Mudchute Farm as part of our learning theme, On the Farm. We saw all the farm animals; llamas, goats, sheep, pigs, donkeys, ducks, turkeys, chickens, lots of different kinds of birds and horses. We were amazed at all the different types of animals you can find on a farm. We were even able to feed them! Everyone found it very funny when the animals ate the food from our hands, they tickled our hands! We had the best time!

Well done to our Learners of the Week!

Key Dates
Thursday 16th May
Goldsworthy Class assembly
Friday 17th May
Peggy Angus Class canoeing
Monday 20th May
Year 5 to Southbank Centre
Thursday 23rd May
O’Keeffe Class assembly
Friday 24th May
End of half term