On Tuesday 24th September, parents and carers of children in Reception and KS1 participated in the first of a series of workshops aimed at developing number sense with practical activities at school and home. Our first workshop was attended by over 30 adults, who explored the concept of subitising using counters, cubes, pictures and dots.

Subitising refers to the idea of knowing how many objects there are in a collection without counting. For example, how many dots do you see and how do you know?

Children might notice the 5 dots first as they make connections with dice and know that 5 + 3 = 8, some may see 3+2+3 or 3+3+2 = 8. Below are few other examples:

Encouraging our children to find multiple ways of calculating will support their mental strategies when solving more complex problems in maths.

Here are a few pictures of our adults working together to find multiple solutions:

Year 1 Parent “This is a completely new way for me to help my child with number facts.”
Year 2 Parent “I have learnt the importance of number bonds within 10 and ways to help my child at home.”
Reception Parent “I am going to use objects at home like buttons, Lego and play-doh.”

Our next Workshop is on Thursday 10th October 9am-9:30am where we will explore the use of 10 frames to secure number facts to 20.

We would like to thank all the adults for their participation today and we look forward to our next work shop and sharing the activities you have tried at home. Don’t forget you can also email pictures and activities completed at home to homelearning@lansburylawrence.org

Please refer to the PowerPoint below for further support.