A Big well done to all the children of Hamilton Class from Mr Mills.Umaymah is logged on and working on her phonics. Iqra has made a jam sandwich and then ordered the steps as part of a maths activity.Md Aaron has been working really hard everyday in the keyworker provision, and here he is writing a sentence.Musa is exploring shapes as part of his maths learning. Great to see him ready to learn in his school uniform.Good to see Ashraf in the keyworker provision everyday and always trying his best. Lovely writing!Musa A always loves his maths and here is at home working on his shape patterns.
Abdul Hameed shared so much wonderful work and here he is ordering his day routine.
Well done Manha – showing how much she knows about the number 8.Md Aayan is engaged in a Circle-Time activity, exploring the seasons.
We also have art work to share. Thank you Juwrayriyya!
Musa A writes ‘sunset’ and then reads it. Thanks for sharing!