What a week it has been for Van Gogh Class being physically back in school. It all started with celebrating International Women’s Day on 8th March by looking at women pioneers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) industries. Our week finished off by celebrating British Science Week today.
We started our morning by using our mathematical skills to break the code and find the answer to the mystery question.
In the afternoon we learnt about what structural engineers do. We became engineers for the afternoon by building bridges and seeing if we could create the tallest structures using card and cardboard.
First we used A4 card to build a suspension bridge that had to hold a number of cubes. The children were amazing and rose to the challenge of building their bridges. They used their problem solving skills to help them just like engineers do.
Then, we worked in teams to see if we could build the tallest structure using only an old Chromebook cardboard box, scissors and glue. The children rose to the challenge and after an intense 30 minutes of amazing teamwork, cutting, gluing, sweat and hard work their structures were really beginning to take shape.
During the week, we also had a go at being inventors by rising up to Ms Begum’s challenge of coming up with our inventions. We put our brains to work and came up with some amazing inventions.
We have had an amazing week celebrating British Science Week and learning about all the different opportunities within STEM. We definitely have future STEMS and STEMETTES in our midst. What a brilliant start to our first week back in school. Can’t wait to see what the rest of this term has in store in Van Gogh class.