Delaunay Class have worked really hard this term and have produced some fantastic work. We have adapted to online learning really quickly and have learnt to use online workspaces such as jam board, google docs, and google meets (video calls).
In English we explored new literature, we have been doing Whole Class Reading during our live video calls and applied our skimming, scanning and inference skills to answer comprehension questions.
In Maths, the children have been working on multiplication and division and have also been practising their 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
Multiplying using arrays
In Science, we focused on plants and habitats using BBC bitesize we explored, what plants need to grow, how seeds grow into plants, and made comparisons of two different habitats. Delaunay Class then put what they had learnt to a test by doing online quizzes and activities.
In Geography, we learnt about physical and human features of our landscapes and located these features around us in our area.
Children took a picture of their local area and labelled the physical and human features they had noticed. I hope you enjoyed a glimpse of some of the wonderful things we have been learning. Have a restful break and we shall see you all in the new term in one weeks time! From Miss Ampeh, Miss Begum, Miss Aziz and Miss Huma.