The Lansbury Lawrence curriculum enables our students to develop their confidence, curiosity, and enthusiasm for learning. We inspire students to realise who they are in the world and how the world works around them, to nurture a sense of pride and purpose.
Our main school driver is our community. During the first half term of each year, the whole school explores a different aspect of our community. This enables our students to learn about the important historical, political, and social aspects of Poplar, and by the end of their time at Lansbury Lawrence, understand why our school and local area is a special place to be. In 2022, we were awarded an Heritage Schools Award from Historic England in recognition of our teaching and learning within local heritage.

Our curriculum is shaped around half termly learning themes, typically with a History, Geography or Science focus. We plan for progression of knowledge and skills within each subject, allowing for connections between learning to be made. Knowledge organisers set out the important, useful, and powerful knowledge within each theme on a single page, with a focus on vocabulary. Guiding questions are embedded and answered at the end of the half term within curriculum books. An enquiry-based approach and weekly Philosophy for Children sessions encourage curiosity and pupil voice.