Meet our new Digital Leaders

Meet our new Digital Leaders

The new digital leaders for Years 3 – 6 have been selected and they are: Y3 Hepworth Class: Hamza Y3 Hokusai Class: Maisha Y4 Riley: Alexia Y4 Van Gogh: Trae Y5 Kahlo: Rihat Y5 Lichtenstein: Umaynah Y6 Hadid: Nuba Y6 Peggy Angus: Michael James They will soon be...
Young Voices

Young Voices

Last night members of the choir performed to a packed audience of thousands at London’s O2 arena as part of Young Voices. What a brilliant experience, from the initial rehearsals to the final performance which included professional singers, dancers and...

Are you Sugar Smart?

As part of our school commitment to reduce our sugar intake, the sugar smart ambassadors produced a display in the hall showing some of the swaps that could be made on high-sugar foods. Make sure and ask your children if they have spotted the display and what they...
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Thank you for coming to watch our class Christmas performances outside last week. In case you couldn’t make it, or you would like to watch them again, here are two brilliant Christmas films for your viewing pleasure! Wishing everyone a very happy and safe...
Artsmark Platinum

Artsmark Platinum

We are celebrating today, after receiving a prestigious Artsmark Award. The Artsmark Award is the only creative quality standard for schools, accredited by Arts Council England. It supports schools to develop and celebrate arts and cultural education, putting...