by Sam Norman | Jun 5, 2019 | Hirst Class 2018/19, Peggy Angus Class 2018/19, Science
Our next piece of writing in year 6 is an explanation text on how the human heart functions. As part of the planning, we observed a heart dissection, looking at the details of the heart, how it works and what can go wrong. Pupils were able to see in details the...
by Sam Norman | May 17, 2019 | Peggy Angus Class 2018/19
Today, we donned our life jackets and headed out on the open water of the Olympic Park in 3-people canoes. Once we had mastered the art of rowing in a straight line, we were able to develop our skills to rowing sideways, acrobatics in the boat and races. The prep The...
by Sam Norman | May 17, 2019 | Hirst Class 2018/19, Music, Peggy Angus Class 2018/19
All the hard work that Year 6 have put into their learning was finally put to the test this week as we completed the SATS. Pupils threw themselves into these with a huge effort: starting their day at 8am with breakfast before doing a small amount of revision before...
by Sam Norman | Apr 3, 2019 | Peggy Angus Class 2018/19
The build. ‘Where does this bit go?’ This afternoon, pupils in Peggy Angus were able to built and code on their own computers, thanks to the resources and expertise of Kano Coding. Pupils had an excellent time using a detailed guide to put the different...
by Sam Norman | Mar 18, 2019 | Peggy Angus Class 2018/19
Today in Peggy Angus Class, we are embracing the 21st Century and typing up our suspense narratives on the Chromebooks. The atmosphere is incredible – all that can be heard is the tap, tap, tap of fingers on keyboards. Bliss! Who knew we had a group of such of...