by Glen Lucille | Mar 9, 2022 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
We all had a great class trip to Crossrail Gardens. We looked at the leaves, stems, flowers and buds. We studied the shapes of the leaves and the many different colours. We had time to draw some of the plants too! We really enjoyed going on the DLR and taking the...
by Glen Lucille | Mar 4, 2022 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
What voice should we use? Hey! It is us, O’Keeffe Class. This is a first take. We are practising using our singing voice, our whisper voice and our shouting voice....
by Glen Lucille | Feb 11, 2022 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
Which material will hold the water? Plastic, Fabric, Paper or Tinfoil? Is it absorbent? What is the best material for a pond? Did the material hold the water? What do we know about materials and their properties? Our Topic: Why have toys changed over time? Toys from...
by Glen Lucille | Jan 27, 2022 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
We are learning all about different materials and their properties. The children are enjoying investigating the materials and finding out their properties. After we sorted our materials. We took four materials: paper, foil, fabric and plastic. We wanted to test if...