What a lovely way to round up the week. We had some time reading our Mudchute farm recounts to the year 6 children. They were so helpful and polite.

Ibrahim and Marco

Once the children had read their recounts to the Year 6’s, I could hear the year 6’s offering feedback to the children.

“I feel it’s nice to see Musa A working. I have never seen him write that much.” Humaira.

“I think Tarranum has improved a lot.” Saklain.

“I really like Journie’s writing. One thing she needs to work on is her spelling.” Najibah.

“I think his, (Sami’s),writing is okay. He needs to work on his spelling.” Arafah.

Bismah had fun working with her year 6 student. Amira liked it too. Ibrahim liked Marco’s shoes and Nafisa liked her partners name.


Our Favourite Part of the Trip:

The children expressed their favourite part of the trip…

“The games we played” said Musa A.

“Feeding the animals.” Martin and Tarranum.

“Feeding the goats because it tickled.” Nafisa.

“Feeding the goats.” Journie.

“Lunch!” Abdula and Bismah.