Wheels & Wings in Yinka

Wheels & Wings in Yinka

This half term our topic has been wheels and wings. In literacy we have been reading stories about transport. We used our senses as we listened to and engaged with the story ‘On the Journey Home from Grandpa’s’. ‘The car drives down the bouncy...
Merry Christmas from Yinka Class!

Merry Christmas from Yinka Class!

It’s been a busy half term for us in Yinka Class and we have enjoyed learning and exploring lots of new and exciting activities. In Literacy we have been reading stories about our community and the jobs that people do. We listened to sensory stories, worked on...
All About Me in Yinka Class

All About Me in Yinka Class

In Yinka we have been learning ‘All About Me’. We drew around our bodies and labelled our body parts. We learnt about keeping our bodies healthy. We practiced brushing large teeth and explored the minty toothpaste. We learned about washing our hands to...
The Caterpillars Came To Carle Class!

The Caterpillars Came To Carle Class!

We have been learning the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We were very excited this week to welcome some caterpillars into our classroom. We held the caterpillars in their pot carefully and talked about what we noticed. We talked about the life cycle of a...