By Melissa and Akram

Today in the whole school we did steam day. Steam day is when there are lots of activities and you can go to any one of them. There was fire, balloon rockets, experiments with skittles, oranges and many more. . It was really fun and here is a diagram(picture) of some of the activities we did and things we took away from it.

This week we also did geography, about finding rivers in the Uk and around the world e.g River Thames and River Nile. In groups, we then did more in depth research on either River Thames or Rive Nile. We found where the rivers were in the Atlas.

We also had a workshop with the London Port Authority who tola us all about trading routes and the history of the Thames. Did you know, the Thames was declared biologically dead in the ’70s? There has been a big clean up effort since then and it is not the cleanest river flowing through a city in Europe!