Year 2 visited the Maritime Museum in Greenwich today and had a jolly good time. We have been learning about Christopher Columbus in class and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of his voyages. In the museum today, we got to see models of ships, seafarer’s equipment, we read diaries of people who had travelled on some voyages. We also had a stroll near the famous Cutty Sark and the River Thames. To top it off, the weather was perfect and children had a lovely time. Ask them all about it their trip when you see them!

Pupils were asked to locate the UK on a giant world map that is located on the 2nd floor of the museum. They were also mapping out Columbu’s journey from Spain to America.
The museum is holding an exhibition to celebrate black history. Here you can see a collection of giant spheres decorated with art that was created by black artists. They are really beautiful with lots of ornate details and colours. We enjoyed looking at them!
Pupils were reading and collecting new facts about Columbus’ voyages.
We looked at an explorers section where we tried on ski glasses!
We enjoyed watching Abdur use his imagination (and a hat) to become the captain of the simulator ship in the museum. He would make a terrific captain one day we must add!