We have enjoyed our learning and our playing this term. We are practising our letter formation, phonics and writing. We can count to ten and are learning to write the numerals to 10. We are all learning to write our names, sign in and ensure we put our name on our work that we complete in class.

We are using our fine motor skills for cutting, creating and mark making.

Maths: Learning about 4 & 5.

We know that the quantity of 4 and 5 can be represented by a shape. A square for four and a square with a dot in the middle. Look at our representations of these quantities in our learning.

Role Play – Healthy Teeth

We learned about keeping our teeth healthy. We know that fruits and vegetables are good for our teeth and that you need to brush your teeth twice a day. We appreciate that chewy sweets and crisps can be unhealthy as they stick to the teeth. We know that if we have sweet treats and crisps we need to brush our teeth well to ensure the bacteria is brushed off.

Here we are role playing being a dentist, dental nurse, receptionist and patient.

Christmas Party Day:

We had a lovely day, some children made Christmas cards and we all wore our party clothes. We enjoyed musical statues, musical chairs and pass the balloon. At the end of the party we played pass the parcel.

A big thank to our fabulous parents:

Thank you for coming to our parent workshops and supporting us on class trips. For engaging with Google Classroom and bringing the children to school on time and ready to learn. We really appreciate it.

We wish you a happy holiday and look forward to more fun in 2025.