by Maryam I and Adam
We enjoyed our French lessons this week. We have been learning the days of the week and the months of the year so that we can say the date. Here are the days of the week in French: Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche.
This half-term we have also learnt colours, and it is good to learn a new language so that you can talk to people from other countries.
In English and reading, we finished an interesting book called the Minpins and wrote magical object stories. Aamilah read her chapter one and two to the whole school in assembly on Thursday. Now, we are doing a non-chronological report on the Festival of Britain and the Lansbury Estate.
In maths, we were counting in 10s, 20s, 25s and 50s to make different hundreds, and our favourite part of the week was the tour of our school. We saw the Festival Star flag in our playground, the Peggy Angus tiles, the trees in our gardens and the shapes around the building.
Science was also fun because we used lights to create shadows and then look for patterns when we made them bigger and smaller: