Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you to everyone who donated to Red Nose Day last Friday. The school raised £234.96 through our danceathon, to donate to the Comic Relief charity. You can see some of the amazing dancing and celebrations below!
Don’t forget that Ricardo Street will be closed to traffic between 2-5.30pm on Monday 25th March for our first Poplar Play Street organised through Sustrans. Our whole community will be able to play safely together without the pollution of traffic.

Introducing future councillors, Uzma and Zain
On Wednesday, Uzma and Zain spoke at a full Tower Hamlets Council meeting at the Town Hall. They spoke about how Lansbury Lawrence has been working on environmental issues to try and improve the air we breathe, such as through our yr5 moss project with R-Urban, our work with Sustrans, and our ECO Committee in school. Lansbury Lawrence was invited to speak by our Lansbury Ward councillor, Bex White, and it was an amazing experience. The council declared that they were going to make Tower Hamlets carbon neutral by the year 2025, and gave Zain and Uzma a standing ovation!

ECO Committee plant trees
The Lansbury Lawrence ECO Committee planted a tree with Trees for Cities in Langdon Park this week. It was a Tulip Tree, which will grow to be very tall with beautiful flowers on. The leaves will help to stop pollution and make our air cleaner to breathe.
Year 1 visit Canary Wharf Crossrail Garden
This term we have been learning about plants and how they grow. We went and visited the Canary Wharf Rooftop Gardens to see some ever bigger plants and to look at all the different kinds of plants they had. We had a great time walking around the gardens and we drew some of the plants that we saw. We thought about all the different types of shapes that leaves have and we compared them to each other. Some plants were spiky and some were soft. We saw so many different types of plants!
“It’s amazing!” – Manha
“My favourite is the palm tree.” – Tasnim A
“Ahh it feels really spiky!” – Rida
“Wow it’s so green!” – Ahmed

Lichtenstein Class visit the Nunnery Gallery
Lichtenstein Class have been inspired by the work of artist, Doreen Fletcher. Fletcher has painted the East End of London for over 30 years. There is an exhibition of her work on at The Nunnery gallery at the moment. We enjoyed looking at her work and recognising different areas that we had visited. Mohammed Afeef recognised a garage where his dad got new tyres. It was really interesting putting our own stories next to Fletcher’s work. Inspired by the work, Lichtenstein Class made their own beautiful paintings of our area. The paintings are brilliant! If you would like to visit the exhibition, go this weekend as it finishes on Sunday.
Well done to our Learners of the Week

School Gate closes at 9am
The main school gate opens at 8.45 each day and closes promptly at 9am. Please note that if you arrive after this time, your child will be marked as late.
Parent v Teacher Football Match
Will be held on Monday 1st April at 3.30pm. Please see Maureen if you would like to play.
Monday 1st April
Parent v Teacher football match – 3.30pm
Wednesday 3rd April
Class exhibition evening – 3.15pm
Thursday 4th April
Van Gogh Class assembly
8th-22nd April
School Closed for the Easter Holiday