On Thursday, Kahlo class was visited by Lisa Naylor, who is a Philosophy for Children (P4C) trainer in Tower Hamlets.
We watched the short film ‘For The Birds’ from Pixar, and discussed the concepts in the film: fear, friendships, bullying.
Afterwards, we chose a concept and wrote a philosophical question inspired by the film. For example: Would you rather be a bully or be bullied? Is it better to be popular and be a bully or to be lonely and have no friends?
The class voted on one question for our in-depth discussion next week: ‘Can you have lots of friends and still be lonely?’
After the session, some children remarked: “This was really interesting” (Laaibah), “I found it entertaining to listen to everyone’s discussion.” (Maliha).
Watch the film below; what kind of questions does it inspire in you?