Dear Parents and Carers
This week, each child in year 5 has received an hour cycling training session to develop their skills in controlling a bike. Cycling to school is a good way to stay healthy and help make our environment a nicer place to live. We have bike racks in the playground where children can keep their bikes safely while at school.
Thank you to everyone who came to our Have Your Say Day on Wednesday. This term we talked about Home Reading and our reports which we used last summer. Your opinions, thoughts and ideas were very welcome and very helpful. Your views are incredibly important to our school.

Giacometti inspired sculptures
After exploring the work of artist, Alberto Giacometti, Hokusai Class finished their sculptures of human bodies this week. Like Giacometti, Hokusai Class made their sculptures long and thin, like shadows on the ground when the sun is low. They moulded their figures using pipe cleaners before covering in foil and attaching to a wooden base. Finally, they covered their sculptures in plaster, to create a finish like Giacometti’s.
Riley Class develop their ‘wisdom’ about teeth
Riley Class developed their knowledge about our teeth and their different functions. They explored this by making models of teeth using large chunks of marshmallow. They had to cut, shape and position the teeth correctly in the mouth (not their own sadly). There was even an element of Maths while children worked out how many parts they needed to divide their huge chunks of mallow into, to represent 32 teeth.

School Council
The school council visited Mayflower Primary School this week. They met with other school councils from the local area, representations from local government, and charities which support education in schools about air pollution. The children have been discussing some of the impacts of car usage around schools and what they can do to help combat traffic and the air pollution it creates. Watch this space for more information about a school council led parent workshop coming soon!
Well done to our Learners of the Week!

Wednesday 23rd January
Riley Class to Keats House
Thursday 24th January
Van Gogh Class to Keats House
Wednesday 30th January
Hepworth Class to Roman Amphitheatre, London Guildhall
Thursday 31st January
Hokusai Class to Roman Amphitheatre, London Guildhall
Tuesday 12th February
Year 5 to the London Buddhist Centre
18th-22nd February
School Closed for the Half-term Holiday
8th-22nd April
School Closed for the Easter Holiday