Dear Parents and Carers

Today has been a very exciting day because we had an actual Olympic athlete come in to school – Peter Bakare, a British volleyball player, came in to show us all how to be healthy and motivated through a series of different excercises. Peter also led an inspiring assembly telling us all about his journey to representing our country at sport.

Firework Biscuits

This week in Bluebell Class, we were very lucky to be helped by a parent to bake delicious Firework Biscuits. The children mixed and rolled the dough, cut out shapes and decorated their biscuits. Then it was time to eat! They had a lot of fun cooking and singing songs about it.

Our trip to the Natural History Museum by Dawud

We went on a trip to the Natural History Museum. We went to a workshop where we got to learn lots about fossils. We also went up an escalator in the museum which was so long! When it was lunch I had a sandwich, grapes, biscuit and Sunbites. I think our trip was amazing.

Musicians in the Making!

With our instrumental lessons carrying through into the new half term, Riley Class are looking forward to continuing to embrace the opportunity to see what they can make of their musical talents. The children’s enthusiasm has impressed the tutors, and the sounds floating along the corridors in the afternoons are well on their way to being “music to our ears”.

Parent/ Carer Coffee Morning

Come and meet new friends over a cup of tea or coffee every Wednesday morning.

Sessions held in the parent room, by the Early Years entrance.

Please see Maureen for further information.


Wednesday 13th November 

Tagore Class visiting Museum of London

Thursday 14th November

Van Gogh Class performing at Stratford Circus

Year 1 visiting Discover Story Centre, Stratford

Thursday 21st November

Year 4 visiting Crossrail Roof Garden, Canary Wharf

Monday 25th November

Delaunay Class visiting Museum of London

Tuesday 3rd December 

Hirst Class visiting East London Mosque

Colour Changing Flowers

You will need:

Flowers (carnations work best)

Food colouring

Tall Glasses Water


1. Ask an adult to trim about 4” (10 cm) off of each stem. Use a knife and cut at an angle. Keep all the flower stems in plain water for now.

2. Have an adult use a sharp knife to slit the stems of three of the flowers straight down the middle. Keep them in the plain water for now.

3. Fill five of the cups with different colors of water. Fill the other two with uncolored water.

4. Place each half of a stem into a cup of different colored water. For example, position the red and blue cups next to each other and put a stem half into each color. Use a color with one of the cups of uncolored water, too. Make a few predictions: Which color will be soaked up? Will the colors mix to make a new color in the petals or will the color in the flower be divided in half?

5. Place the last white carnation into the remaining cup of uncolored water. This one is your control flower.


Let all the flowers sit and soak for several days. As you wait to see the results, make some more predictions:

How will the carnation in the plain water compare to the carnations in the colored water? Which color will be soaked up first?

How long will it take?

Which color will create the darkest shade in a flower?

Which color will create the lightest shade in a flower?

Which color might not be absorbed?

Can you draw a diagram of what is happening?


Send photos and thoughts to: homelearning@lansbury