Dear Parents and Carers

SAVE THE DATE: This year’s Summer Fete is next week, on Thursday 27th June at 2pm in the main playground. There will be a bbq and lots of fun entertainment including the ever-popular Soak a Teacher!

Architecture in Schools

Riley Class have finished their Architecture in Schools project, working with Paul and Robyn from BDP. architects, producing an amazing model to scale of their ‘Smarter City’. Riley Class designed a smarter Lansbury Estate, with wind turbines, solar panels and a raised road so that there was more green areas to play in. Riley Class thought looking after the environment was a smarter thing to do for our community, and their model also included the world’s biggest bouncy castle! Architecture in Schools is organised by Open City, and they have a free festival for families this weekend. Further information is at the end of this newsletter.

Glitterbird at Wigmore Hall

Tagore won the class tokens last month and their prize was a trip to Wigmore Hall in central London to see the show Glitterbird. This was a fabulous treat after having worked so hard all year. Children were watching the show and became active members of the audience by singing and repeating musical patterns. Parents ask your child to teach you how to follow the Glitterbird!

Goldsworthy’s day at the Barbican

Gldsworthy Class visited the Barbican Centre to watch a musical performance of Hairy Maclary. There was the a complete orchestra playing in front of us. We saw so many instruments being played; violins, cellos, flutes, clarinets, trumpets, a tuba, drums, a harp and the list goes on! We were able to listen to them playing and we also joined in singing a song that we had learnt in class. We had such a musical day!

Daisy Pirates!

Daisy Class have been exploring pirates in our Home Corner, dressing up with eye-patches, pirate hats and finding treasure. We have used this to explore maths, going out into the garden to bury treasure in the mud kitchen, thinking about capacity, shape and measure. We have also used it to explore estimating and numbers when building pirate ships out of blocks. Children have written about pirates too.

Year 6 Dance

This week all of year 6 have had a fantastic workshop with professional dancers, Gosia and Renaud. They have choreographed their own movement to music, and will use this routine as part of their year 6 end of year performance. Dancing requires lots of concentration, coordination and strength; have a look at Peggy Angus performing their dance.

Well done to our Learners of the Week!

Parent Information

Parents/carers coffee morning

Held every Wednesday in Nursery Parents Room

Free refreshments

All welcome


Thursday 27th June

Summer Fair and BBQ – 2pm

Friday 28th June

Year 1 to Chalkwell Beach

Friday 19th July

End of term – 2pm