The weekly challenges are whole school wider curriculum activities for you to engage with at home, perhaps with other members of your family joining in. Do send in your finished work via Google Classroom or to your teacher; this could be a drawing, photograph, film, piece of writing – the more creative the better!
The second challenge is a Geography challenge. If you choose to the part in this challenge, please do not include your home addresses. We take your privacy very seriously, so if you are including your home on your map make it very general as we won’t make any personal information public. Find out more below…. good luck!
Congratulations to WINNER this week – Zakariyya in Peggy Angus Class! Your map was incredibly detailed and thoughtful. You included a key and a compass, and generously talked about all of your meaningful places on your map. I especially enjoyed your shout out to the NHS!
In second place was Cruz from Hepworth Class with a very carefully drawn map with lots of details. Well done to you both. Zakariyya gets 10 points for Peggy Angus and Cruz gets 5 points for Hepworth class. All the other amazing entries below, get 2 points for their classes.