What an astounding half term it has been and once again the children have shown amazing resilience and adapted brilliantly to their new way of learning. Van Gogh class have been busy having live Google Meets lessons with their teachers for Maths, English and Reading. They have worked independently in the afternoons learning about the Anglo-Saxons in History, how sound is made in Science, French and Music lessons with their Specialist Teachers, Staying safe online and how to express themselves as part of Mental Health Week.
In Maths the children have been learning how to multiply 2 & 3 digit numbers by 1 and dividing 2 digit numbers by 1. The children have used Learning by Questions and Google Slides to help them with their exceptional learning. Below is examples of some of the work they have completed.
In English the children have been practising their handwriting, learning their spellings, revising their grammar skills and wrote their own version of ‘The Explorer’ adventure. We have also been reading ‘The Explorer’ during our afternoon Google Meets, which the children have enjoyed and practices answering comprehension questions on Google Slides.
Here are some samples of their work.