This week Hepworth has been involved in creative week with student teachers from the LETTA program. It has been a fun packed week centered around ‘the human body’.
In Maths, we learned different methods for adding larger numbers. Our favourite method was partitioning!

In English we read ‘Funnybones’ and we’ve enjoyed rewriting our diary entries retelling the story.

We’ve been jam packed in science learning about what makes up our body – the skeleton, tendons and muscles.

We made mini skeleton people, using cotton buds to represent our skeleton structure.

We built biceps, triceps, hamstrings and quads for our friend Belinda.

We used playdough and pasta to make our ‘healthy body’.
In PE, we explored how we could move our bodies as different animals and how those animals may greet each other in their natural habitat.

Thank you so much for having us, Hepworth class! We’ve had so much fun with you all!

Miss Darroux, Miss Fawcett & Miss Loza