Lichtenstein class have had a fantastic half term learning all about the Ancient Greeks! Our favourite learning was all about mythical creatures such as The Minotaur and Pegasus. It gave us a great chance to practise our poetry performance skills – here you can see us performing the poem ‘Pegasus’ – we hope you enjoy it!

In maths, we had an exciting maths workshop with Rob Eastaway, the author of ‘Maths for Mums and Dads’ we got to try out some cool maths tricks using prime numbers, dice and symmetry! Families – prepare for some maths tricks coming your way at home!

Another exciting day was when a percussionist came to perform the handpan and the marimba for us. We closed our eyes and listened to a beautiful song called ‘Yellow After the Rain’ which made us think of rain and sunshine.

“Her playing was amazing”


Finally, we ended the Spring term as always with the brilliant Easter Hat Parade! Everyone’s hats were so creative and a special well done to Saqib, Nafisur and Natasha N who won prizes and Ms Burren of course who came 2nd in the teacher competition!