Today the older members of our School Council were working with urban designers and civic engineers from Sustrans to help design our new School Streets outside Lansbury Lawrence, Bygrove and Mayflower Primary Schools.
Tower Hamlets Council has appointed Sustrans to deliver the first 11 school streets as part of an ambitious commitment to deliver 50 school streets (streets where motor traffic is diverted away from the school gate to reduce air pollution and create a safer environment) outside primary schools in the borough by 2022.
First we looked at photographs of existing School Streets and compared them with what the streets looked like before. Then we looked at pictures and definitions of certain design features and had to match them up. When we had learnt all about designing School Streets, we mixed ourselves up so that children from the different schools could work together to design OUR School Street.
The designers will use our ideas to inform their ideas and hopefully we’ll get to see them come to life next year when the School Street will be built.