I am Aliza, and my name is Yahya M. Our blog this week is about what we have been doing in school and in our class.

In science, we have been looking at different nutrients that are in our food. We used a nutrient calculator and compared the amounts of these nutrients in take-away food. I was surprised to find out that chocolate milkshake is a bit less healthy than a chicken nugget. We also built a model arm out of rubber bands and cardboard that moved like our real arm. The school got to see Percy the skeleton in assembly too.

In whole class reading, Bill Simpson is still having a frustrating day in Bill’s New Frock. In the last chapter, he was in class after wet-play reading comics and nobody would swap their magazine for his, and his class are now having races in the playground at the start of the new chapter.

In maths, we have been doing place value with 3-digit numbers and sorting out hundreds, tens and ones. Our number lines also helped us know where they were when comparing them to other numbers.

In RE with Ms Bridge, we have been learning about how religions pray. They have similarities and differences, and the class discussed how useful people think prayer can be in our lives.