Thinking of our community and our school

Today, we spoke to an expert about the local community and our school. We know that our school was built for the Festival of Britain, and the expert told us the school was named after Susan Lawrence and George Lansbury because another school was bombed here in World War 2. (Rayyan, Tasnim R, Taheem)

Local buildings
The Festival and lunchtime

The expert was called Aristos, and we got to ask him loads of questions; he had all the answers:

“How many classes were there?”

“What time did school start?”

“Have the local buildings changed?”

“Did people enjoy the Festival of Britain?”

“Were children allowed to play outside?”

(Rida, Ahmed, Louie)

We also found out there used to be a headteacher who rolled around on skates and the school had no iPads or Chromebooks. Aristos said it was ok because children still learnt lots, and he was the best behaved in his class (Afsana, Madihah). We saw pictures of the old Key Stage 2 playground. We have more trees now and a community room (Aisha).

Thank you for sharing, Aristos (Hokusai class)

We saw pictures of our school building in 1951 when it was called Susan Lawrence school