Dear Parents and Carers
On Monday it is our first STEAM Day at Lansbury Lawrence. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. We are hoping to inspire our children through a day immersed in these subjects. If you are available to help on the day, please see your child’s teacher. There are two main sessions; one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and anytime you can spare to support would be really appreciated. If you can not make it in on the day, try to make the rocket launch instead! At the end of Monday, if the weather is fine, a rocket will be launched from the playground. It will be busy with lots of children and families watching the launch, so please make your child’s teacher aware when you take your child home afterwards at 3.30pm.
Tower of London
Tagore Class visited the Tower of London as part of this half terms learning theme, “Proud to be a Londoner”. This theme sees us celebrate famous landmarks in London, the children screamed with joy when they saw Tower Bridge and the Shard. Back in the Tower the children visited the famous crown jewels, the original mint factory and scaled the halls of King Henry’s suites. After a long day of walking the children came back to school having been great ambassadors for Lansbury Lawrence. A big “Thank You” to the parents who came with us and made this trip possible.

We Love Reading!
Thursday March 7th 2019 was World Book Day, and at Lansbury Lawrence we celebrated our love of books all day long.

Full of Electricity
Peggy Angus class had a great time exploring the wonders of the world of circuits. In groups of 3 or 4 pupils had to build different circuits containing components such as a buzzer, light bulb, switch and motor. Then they had to challenge themselves to build a circuit with more than one in! We loved feeling the force of electricity, some of us even on our skin (accidentally!)
Reception go Pond Dipping
Recently, the children have enjoyed finding worms for the chickens. So this week we decided to look for mini-beasts in the school pond. First, we watched a short video about pond dipping, and learnt how to make a figure-eight motion with the net to better help us find things. Then we took our nets, buckets, and clipboards and off we went!

Room for Art
If you are visiting Canary Wharf, please do visit the Lansbury Lawrence Room for Art exhibition in the Community Gallery space. It is next to Krispy Kreme in Jubilee Walk, Canada Place. There are some lovely photos of our children designing an art room for our school and community to use, which we are hoping will eventually be built.
Well done to our Learners of the Week!

School Gate closes at 9am
The main school gate opens at 8.45 each day and closes promptly at 9am. Please note that if you arrive after this time, your child will be marked as late.

Monday 11th March
Thursday 14th March
Hepworth Class assembly
Thursday 14th March
Year 4 to Natural History Museum
Monday 18th March
Hirst Class to Rich Mix
Tuesday 19th March
O’Keeffe Class to Canary Wharf Roof Garden
Thursday 21st March
Goldsworthy Class to Canary Wharf Roof Garden
Thursday 21st March
Hokusai Class assembly
Thursday 4th April
Van Gogh Class assembly
8th-22nd April
School Closed for the Easter Holiday