Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you to all the families who attended our Safer Internet Day parent session on Tuesday. If you were unable to come along, please do have a look on the following website for information on keeping our children safe online:
Please note that on Wednesday there will be a parent exhibition in your child’s classroom from 3.15pm. Please do go along to see and hear about what has been learnt over the past half term.

Lansbury Lawrence Arts Council
The Lansbury Lawrence Arts Council visited the studio and workshop of designers, Make:Good, yesterday. They went to see the progress of their Curiosity Cart being built, which they have designed for our Reception children to use. The cart is looking like a big jigsaw piece at the moment; with lots of exciting components waiting to be slotted together. The Arts Council helped to sand the wooden pieces of the cart and got to see how all of their different ideas will be combined. It is going to be amazing when it is finished!
Year 5 Cyclists
Year 5 have enjoyed learning how to cycle safely, and now know how to cycle on the road. Here they are cycling to Bartlett Park on a beautiful winter morning.
If you would like to learn how to cycle, have a look at the two opportunities at the end of the newsletter.

Chicken Update
The chickens have settled in very well at Lansbury Lawrence. This week Poppy class went outside to meet them.
First we had a discussion about what we know about the chickens. We said things like, “They have feathers”, “They can flap but they can’t fly” and, “People can eat the eggs if there is no chick inside”. We enjoyed drawing pictures of our new friends.
Well done to our Learners of the Week!

Reception’s question this week is, ‘Would it be a good thing if it always rained chocolate?’
Parent/ Carer Coffee Morning
Tuesday 12th February
Year 5 to the London Buddhist Centre
Wednesday 13th February
Parent Exhibition – 3.15pm
18th-22nd February
School Closed for the Half-term Holiday
8th-22nd April
School Closed for the Easter Holiday