Dear Parents and Carers
School finishes at 2pm today, for the Easter holiday. We’ve had a brilliant spring term at Lansbury Lawrence, and we’re looking forward to more fantastic learning during the summer. We hope you have a relaxing break and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Tuesday 23rd April.
Parent v Teacher football match
Always a highlight of the Lansbury Lawrence sporting calendar, the Parent v Teacher football match took place on Monday after school. Although the teachers showed a creative flair and unique pitch style, they were outperformed by the highly skilled parent team. Final score was 6-0 to the parents. A big thank you and well done to everyone for demonstrating what a brilliant community we have.

Easter Hat Parade
Another annual feature at Lansbury Lawrence is the Easter hat parade, where every child in years 1-6 gets to strut along a catwalk wearing their wonderful hat creation. Recycled materials feature prominently, as does personal expression and creativity. Three winners from every class were selected by judges, and Easter eggs were awarded. Teachers also made their own hats and this years winner was Miss Hopkins. Well done everyone for making this event so much fun.

The Iron Man by Year 3
Year 3 have been working with a dance teacher from Chisenhale Dance for the past five weeks. They have created a dance to tell the story of The Iron Man by Ted Hughes – which has been this half term’s learning theme for year 3. Dance is a wonderful way to tell a story and communicate without words, while also being brilliant exercise and fun. Well done to the year 3 team and a big thank you to Chisenhale Dance for helping us to realise this project.

Scan the QR code to see the amazing Iron Man dance.

School Choir visit Duncan Court
The school choir returned to nearby Duncan Court this week to sing for the residents. They took part in an Easter egg hunt while there and had a great time singing to an audience and sharing their Easter hat creations.

Well done to our Learners of the Week

Key Dates
Friday 5th April
School finishes at 2pm
Tuesday 23rd April
First day back after the Easter holiday
Wednesday 24th April
Kahlo Class to Museum of Childhood
Tuesday 30th April
Year 3 to the Barbican Centre
Thank you Shumina
Today is Shumina’s last day at Lansbury Lawrence. Shumina has worked here as a Teaching Assistant for 11 years, supporting hundreds of children and teachers, and is now leaving to spend more time with her baby and family. We are going to miss her very much, and wish her all the best.