Dear Parents and Carers
There has been lots of exciting learning happening across the school this week, with special visitors in school, and trips organised to help make our curriculum engaging and memorable. If your child is going on a trip, please do remember to bring them school wearing a warm coat and sensible footwear while the weather is cold.
Keats House
Year 4 visited John Keats’ House this week to learn more about the Victorians. They participated in tasks such as dressing up as Victorian children and imagining what life was like as a poor child who had to work for the rich. They also learned what it may have felt like being a rich child. They were taught Victorian children’s etiquette such as bowing and curtsying and also did ‘decoupage’, which the rich children did in their past time. The children asked lots of interesting questions about the Victorians and had a good time.

Learning about Air Quality
Year 5 have been working with a local environmental organisation to learn about the air quality around Lansbury Lawrence. Did you know that air pollution is higher if it is not windy? Or if you are sheltering next to a wall on a windy day? Lichtenstein Class made windmills to test air quality around our playground.
Year 1 learn Calypso with Chisenhale Dance
Year 1 had a brilliant time learning how to dance with a professional dancer from Chisenhale Dance this week. They learned about Calypso, which is a dance popular in carribean carnivals.

Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday 5th February. We will be holding an Internet Safety Session for parents in school, to learn about how to help your children use the internet safely, at 9am.
There is also a session on internet safety at the Idea Store, Chrisp Street, on Wednesday 6th February between 11.30-1pm. Topics covered will include;
Well done to our Learners of the Week!

Parent/ Carer Coffee Morning
Wednesday 30th January
Hepworth Class to Roman Amphitheatre, London Guildhall
Thursday 31st January
Hokusai Class to Roman Amphitheatre, London Guildhall
Thursday 31st January
Kahlo Class assembly, 9.10am
Friday 1st February
Lichtenstein Class assembly, 9.10am
Tuesday 5th February
Safer Internet Day Parent Workshop, 9am
Tuesday 12th February
Year 5 to the London Buddhist Centre
18th-22nd February
School Closed for the Half-term Holiday
8th-22nd April
School Closed for the Easter Holiday